How to build new features without losing performance
Expert Tips: Develop new e-commerce functionalities without impacting app stability.

What are the most important features of e-commerce applications in 2024?

    • Fast Loading App
    • Detailed Product Information
    • Effective Search and Filtering
    • Secure and Trustworthy Payment System
    • Seamless Checkout
    • Data Privacy
    • Easy Returns and Refunds
    • Personalized Recommendations
    • Customer Reviews and Ratings

And a lot more!

The list of what else is needed is quite long as the e-commerce landscape keeps growing with the evolving demands of users!

But there is something more important than any of the above options…


It is extremely important for an E-commerce application to be stable and seamless as nobody likes to deal with a sluggish application, that crashes frequently, and is slow as hell!

We live in a very competitive world, where keeping up with technology and trends becomes crucial to surviving in the market.

One cannot rely on an average application with a fixed set of features built for businesses to serve a demanding population that changes preferences quickly.

Thus, the enhancement of your e-commerce functionality becomes essential.

But implementing these enhancements can come with a downside…which can affect the application’s stability and severely cause disruptions!

Usually, when multiple features and functionalities are added to any website or application, it may experience some downtime and even frequent crashes.

But do you know why?

Let’s explore what happens when new features or e-commerce functionalities are added to an application.

Impact on the application on updating new features of e-commerce

For those who are not aware of the technical nuances, it’s important to know that it’s quite common for an application to experience some issues and glitches when new functionality is added and made live.

However, these issues are quite noticeable and get fixed by developers as quickly as possible.

So, it’s not a problem that can’t be fixed.

But what becomes a major issue is…

When minor glitches escalate into significant problems that hinder overall functionality and can also disrupt the entire e-commerce application affecting a seamless user experience.

Reasons why adding e-commerce functionality causes app performance stability issue

➡️ Code Complexity can lead to unexpected bugs and glitches!

Adding new features means more code, which can mix with existing code in surprising ways, causing issues.

➡️ A lack of resources can cause slowdowns and crashes!

New features need extra processing power, memory, and storage. If your system isn’t ready for this, it can slow down or even crash.

➡️ Poor integration can cause errors and crashes!

New features need to integrate perfectly with the old ones. If they don’t, the whole app can become unstable until fixed.

➡️ Database overload can crash the app!

More features mean more database work. If your database isn’t optimized accordingly then it can’t handle the extra load, the whole app can slow down or crash.

➡️ Dependency conflicts can make your app unstable!

Your app relies on various external libraries and frameworks. Frequently updating these for new features can introduce conflicts, causing instability.

➡️ Concurrency issues can lead to frequent crashes!

More users and actions can overwhelm your app. If it’s not designed to handle high traffic, it can crash often.

➡️ Security gaps can cause disruptions and crashes!

New features can sometimes open security holes. If hackers exploit these, it can seriously disrupt your app.

➡️ Configuration errors can make your app malfunction!

New features come with new settings. If these are set up wrong, your app can become unstable.

➡️ Old code might not work with new features!

Legacy code may need to be rewritten to work with new features, which can be tricky and error-prone.

➡️ UI changes can confuse users and cause bugs!

New UI features might confuse users with their placement and operation, especially if they bring new bugs with them.

These are some of the most common challenges that businesses with an E-commerce application are facing these days!

But they are not just mere issues that can be solved with little effort.

They need specialized support!

That requires some solid technical E-commerce development capability!

How to enhance E-commerce Website Features without disturbing the live application?

First Things First – You need to have e-commerce experts by your side!

Don’t just go for any technical team that says they can do it – until and unless they have experts offering e-commerce app development services along with thorough experience in developing E-commerce applications.

Other than that, once you have the right team by your side this is how they can help in mitigating technical issues when adding new features and functionality to an application.

Here we list out some development best practices, implementing this can help you and your development team mitigate any probable issue during e-commerce app development.

1. Ask them to pass the Application under thorough Testing

This might be basic, but important. Implement comprehensive testing strategies including unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests to catch issues before they go live.

2. Migrate to Scalable Architecture

Once you decide to enhance your existing E-commerce Application, double-check your application’s architecture. Whether it can handle increased load and resource demands from new features by scaling appropriately.

If your current architecture doesn’t have the capability, then migrate to a scalable one that can handle it all for the future as well!

3. Frequent Code Reviews – Add this to your process!

Conduct regular code reviews to identify potential conflicts and bugs early in the development process.

Try involving multiple developers in the review process. This will help refine the code from diverse technical perspectives and catch issues that might have been overlooked by the original author.

4. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Use CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment, ensuring that new code is consistently and safely integrated into the main codebase.

Automated testing helps catch errors early, while continuous deployment allows for rapid release cycles, enabling quicker feature rollouts and bug fixes.

5. Monitor Performance – Be on the edge once live.

Once you launch your enhanced e-commerce app, ask your developers to proactively track app activity.

Implement monitoring tools to track application performance and quickly identify any issues that arise after new features are deployed.

6. Optimize Database

More Features – More utilization of the database in terms of storage and data requests.

Regularly optimize your database to handle increased queries and transactions from new features to prevent slowdowns and crashes.

This includes indexing frequently accessed data, cleaning up unused data, and ensuring efficient query execution plans.

7. Gradual Rollouts

Deploy new features gradually (e.g., rolling out to a small percentage of users first) to monitor issues before a full-scale release.

With this, you get an idea about some potential problems that could arise to mitigate them before releasing it to a wider audience.

8. Clear Documentation – Note each change you make!

Maintain clear and detailed documentation for your codebase, including any new features, to keep track of what change triggered the other part of the application making it easier to understand and troubleshoot issues.

9. Execute Fallback Mechanisms

Implement fallback mechanisms and redundancy to ensure that if a new feature fails, it doesn’t bring down the entire application.

This could include feature toggles, backup systems, and automated failovers to maintain application availability and user satisfaction.

10. Configuration Management

Ask your technical team to ensure that all new features are properly configured and that any configuration changes are thoroughly tested.

Enabling version control for configuration settings, along with environment-specific configurations, helps maintain consistency and reduces the risk of misconfigurations causing disruptions.

By following these strategies, e-commerce experts can significantly reduce the likelihood of technical issues and ensure a more stable and reliable application.

To Conclude

E-commerce is a tough domain not just technically but commercially as well!

For a successful online business – you don’t just need incredible marketing ideas, but an application that’s immensely presentable and user-friendly to support the sales.

Your e-commerce application should be top-notch with the technical capabilities required to impress and engage the present generation, encouraging them to invest their time and money!

To achieve this, upgrading and enhancing an application with new features of e-commerce is a must!

However, you cannot afford disruptions that can bring the entire application down, which means no business at all!

Application enhancement can be done and implemented step by step if you have the right team by your side — because that’s how the best-performing E-commerce platforms operate, survive and thrive!

Want to develop new e-commerce application features?

Let’s team up to analyse the possibilities.

As an E-commerce development company, we know how to develop and integrate advanced features into an existing e-commerce application ensuring performance stability.

    • Custom chatbots
    • AI Implementation
    • Order Tracking and Notifications

Our e-commerce experts can help build functionalities based on your needs!

Connect with us and let our technical experts suggest to you the best features that can be developed for your E-commerce application.

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