How to Control the Hidden Costs of IT Projects
Unable to control IT expenses – hidden costs can be the reason!

Consider This –

You have a business idea and want an application developed for it.

You find a good IT team, analyze the time and investment needed, and finalize everything. The project kicks off, and so do the expenses.

But suddenly, the project starts delaying, causing you trouble and increasing costs.

But hey,

IT projects often take longer than estimated,


So, you patiently wait, and finally, the project is completed!

Isn’t that a happy feeling?

A crucial mission accomplished!

If that happened to you, consider yourself lucky!

Because that’s not the case for everyone—some are still waiting for their application to be completed, and others…

Are exhausted by the ever-increasing expenses, even after completion.

But have you ever noticed a pattern?

Usually, no matter what happens, most businesses end up paying more than estimated, and sometimes they keep paying additional charges for a long time!

Ever wondered why that happens?

Or do you still believe that’s how things work in the world of business?

For the sake of information – this is not how the B2B world operates!

It’s a place where thorough professionals exist—those who understand the value of time, project cost management and investment more than anyone else.

So, what is the major reason for these uncontrollable and increasing expenses?

Two words – hidden expenses!


As a Custom Software Development Company, we often come across clients frustrated with the uncontrollable expenses and the project hanging in between!

And at Covrize we don’t just take a project, complete it and let it go – we also like to do a thorough analysis like:

    • Why did the project or a business owner come to us?
    • What are the problems our clients have faced before?
    • What could be the reasons that led to these problems?
    • How can we work on controlling project costs to resolve issues and get the project back on track?
    • And whatever we plan and do, does that bring the desired results or not?

And when we do that, we literally get to see every twist and turn our client has gone through!

So, when it comes to the problem of hidden expenses in IT projects, we do have some reasons evaluated from our past data that factor in eventually triggering and causing pain in software development projects!

If you too are facing similar issues and looking for solutions on

    • How to control IT Project Expenses?
    • How to manage IT project costs effectively?
    • How to avoid these hidden costs?

Then keep reading!

But first…

Let’s discuss what these hidden expenses are and how they affect a project and overall costs.

What are the hidden costs of IT Projects?

When you start working on your IT Project for your business – what are the things you consider and evaluate before you kick off the project?

Generally, there are a few expenses that everyone considers while planning cost management in an IT project.

    • Development Team Fees
    • Different Software’s needed for the project
    • Hardware used
    • Testing & Maintenance

So, what are the hidden costs then?

Hidden costs in IT projects are extra expenses that one pays apart from the estimated initial and final budgets.  

These additional expenses can arise during the development and deployment phases and sometimes after deployment as well (maintenance and support), adding to the estimated amount that wasn’t originally planned for the project’s budget.

Almost all our clients have this planned out – whether they know about the technical details or not!

They all have a broad calculation of these things!

Project Cost Management: What are the reasons for the hidden costs?

While planning cost management, certain things get neglected or are not taken into consideration or just the condition of the project changes from what it was initially – leading to unavoidable expenses straining the budget.

Some of the scenarios from which are;

1. Scope Creep

This happens when the project’s requirements keep expanding after the project has started. Additional features or changes require more time and resources, ultimately increasing the overall cost.

2. Poor Initial Planning

Inadequate planning can lead to underestimating the time and resources needed. As the project progresses, gaps in planning become apparent, leading to unexpected expenses.

3. Inaccurate Estimates

Estimates for time, cost, or resources are often too optimistic or based on vague evaluation. And because of that the project ends up needing more resources than initially planned, increasing costs.

4. Technology Changes

Rapid changes in technology can make initial plans obsolete. Adapting to new technologies or integrating them into the project can incur additional costs, raising the need and expense of extra resources as well.

5. Unexpected Technical Challenges

Unforeseen technical issues or complexities are part of the development cycle and they do arise during the project. Resolving these issues often requires additional time and resources, leading to higher costs.

6. Integration Issues

Integrating new systems with existing ones can be more complex than expected. It requires a certain expertise and precision! Additional development and testing are needed to ensure compatibility, which can easily drive up the costs.

7. Quality Assurance and Testing

Inadequate initial testing plans can lead to extensive bug fixing and revisions. The rework involved with testing and fixing issues afterwards can significantly increase the project’s cost.

8. Communication Breakdowns

Poor communication between stakeholders, team members, or vendors can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.

Miscommunications can result in revisions, delays, and extended project timelines that directly impact the pre-decided costs. These are just the common reasons that usually become the factor for these hidden costs arising in the first place.

But something to NOTE!

These hidden charges are not like nature’s law—that can’t be avoided!

For those who do not understand the intricacies of development processes, should know that a lot depends on the team that is handling the project!

The entire project cost and time are directly managed by them!

So, to even imagine that it is unavoidable to control these costs – is a false alarm!

All these hidden charges can be managed if your IT Team wants to!

Don’t agree?

Read Further!

How can IT companies plan cost management to avoid hidden costs in their projects?

There are several ways to plan these costs with which a development company can control the hidden costs, such as;

1. Comprehensive Planning

    • Thorough Requirements Analysis– Ensure that all project requirements are clearly defined and understood before starting. This helps in reducing scope creep.
    • Detailed Project Plan – Create a detailed project plan that includes timelines, milestones, and deliverables.

2. Accurate Estimations

    • Realistic Budgeting – Use historical data and industry benchmarks to create realistic budgets and time estimates.
    • Buffer for Contingencies – Include a buffer for unexpected costs and delays in your budget.

3. Effective Communication

    • Regular Updates – Hold regular meetings with stakeholders and team members to discuss progress and address any issues early.
    • Clear Documentation – Maintain clear and thorough documentation of requirements, changes, and decisions made throughout the project.

4. Scope Management

    • Change Control Process – Implement a formal process for managing changes to the project scope. Ensure that any changes are documented, approved, and reflected in the project plan and budget.
    • Prioritize Features – Prioritize project features and requirements to focus on delivering the most critical parts first.

5. Risk Management

    • Identify Risks Early – Conduct a risk assessment at the beginning of the project to identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.
    • Monitor Risks – Continuously monitor risks throughout the project and adjust plans as necessary.

6. Use of Agile Methodologies

    • Iterative Development – Use agile methodologies to allow for iterative development and regular reassessment of project goals and progress.
    • Frequent Testing – Incorporate frequent testing and feedback loops to catch and address issues early.

7. Technology and Tool Evaluation

    • Evaluate Technologies – Thoroughly evaluate technologies and tools before committing to them to ensure they meet project needs and are cost-effective.
    • Stay Updated – Keep abreast of technology trends and updates to avoid last-minute changes due to obsolete or incompatible technologies.

8. Reduce Attrition

Attrition leads to added costs in knowledge transfer, training and increased salaries. To maintain the existing team your IT Company has to invest in:

    • Employee Engagement – Foster a positive work environment by recognizing and rewarding contributions, promoting work-life balance, and ensuring clear communication of project goals and individual roles.
    • Career Development – Provide opportunities for career growth and professional development to keep employees motivated and engaged.
    • Competitive Compensation – Offer competitive salaries and benefits to retain top talent and reduce turnover.
    • Team Building – Encourage team-building activities to strengthen relationships and collaboration within the team, which can improve morale and reduce the likelihood of employees leaving.
    • Exit Interviews – Conduct exit interviews to understand why employees leave and use this feedback to improve workplace conditions and retention strategies.

Implementing these strategies, while planning the cost management in IT projects can help Software Development teams to better anticipate, manage, and reduce hidden costs, leading to more predictable and successful project outcomes.

All these solutions are not rocket science where one is required to put extensive efforts into implementing them.

The will – to take these seriously and implement them whenever needed – is enough!

In Conclusion

There is no doubt that facing the unexpected – is part of the job!

But evaluating the past for better implementation in the present and future should be routine!

Hidden costs are a serious issue that affects many IT projects, and sometimes the reasons are so simple that it can frustrate even the calmest.

But why not make an effort to reduce them as much as possible?

While you are evaluating the cost of a software project development, ask these serious questions in the initial meetings with a vendor;

    • How well can you manage the Hidden Costs in a project?
    • Have you handled and managed similar challenges before?
    • If so, what are the golden rules that you stand by?

Including these questions will help clear the air from the beginning and let you decide whether to choose this vendor or go for someone else.

And, if you relate to or are dealing with such issues as hidden costs, you should surely find more reasons to think over why it’s time for you to change Vendor.

Hope this read helps you with your decision-making!

Are you the one struggling to manage your IT Project expenses?

Here’s why you should trust Covrize – as we believe in the thorough concept of project cost management and planning.

Our leaders have spent years developing custom software solutions and managing small to large-scale projects.

With this, they have devised some proven strategies to avoid hidden costs and deliver projects on budget.

Schedule a one-on-one call with our technical leaders to evaluate your situation and come back with a solution! 

Varix Patel

June 28, 2024

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